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Yahoo!:n Marc Davisin vierailijaluento


ti 07.10.2008 12:15 - 14:00


TU1, TUAS-talo


Vierailijaluento: Marc Davis, Yahoo!, "Management of software based technology company"
Tiistaina 7.10.2008 klo 12.15-14.00
Sijainti: TU1, TUAS-talo, Otaniemientie 17, 02600 Espoo

Marc Davis, Chief Scientist of Yahoo! Connected Life and Director of Early Stage Products (ESP)

Luennon aiheena on, miten teknologiasta ja sovelluksista, joiden avulla sosiaalinen ja mobiilimedia välitetään miljardeille kuluttajille, pystytään tekemään liiketoimintaa. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteina ovat innovaation tuotteistaminen, jakelu ja hinnoittelulogiikka.

Luento on kaikille avoin.

Lyhyt kuvaus Marc Davisista ja hänen taustastaan:

Marc Davis is Chief Scientist of Yahoo! Connected Life and Director of ESP. His work focuses on creating the technology and applications that will enable the billions of daily media consumers to become daily media producers. His research encompasses the theory, design, and development of sociotechnical systems that leverage contextual metadata and the power of community to enable people around the world to produce, describe, share, and remix media, and to connect to each other in new ways. As Chief Scientist for Connected Life and Director of ESP (Early Stage Products), Marc and his team invent and help realize the future of mobile, social, media, monetization, and platforms.

From 2002 to 2006, Marc Davis served as Assistant Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information where he directed Garage Cinema Research and co-founded the UC Berkeley Center for New Media. In 2005, Marc Davis worked with Yahoo! Inc. and UC Berkeley to create Yahoo! Research Berkeley where he served as Founding Director. At Garage Cinema Research and Yahoo! Research Berkeley, Marc Davis and his teams developed and deployed pioneering prototypes for context-aware mobile media tagging, sharing, and browsing, and technologies for video capture, tagging, and remixing. In 2006, Marc Davis joined Yahoo! to bring his vision of social media and mobile media to billions of people around the world. Marc Davis earned his B.A. in the College of Letters at Wesleyan University, his M.A. in Literary Theory and Philosophy at the University of Konstanz in Germany, and his Ph.D. in Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory.