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Week 34, 17th August - 23rd August

Tue 18.8. Sports & Sauna

We will play some soccer, ultimate, volleyball or basketball again. Meeting place is Otakaari 11 at 6 pm were we will decide what to play first. After the exciting games we will continue to Kattosauna (Jämeräntaival 3A).

Wed 19.8. Paula’s Farewell party

We say good bye to Paula who leaves us this week. We will meet @Gorsu around seven o’clock. Then we go and buy some food to have a nice evening. If you (especially Paula) have any special wishes, please let me know!

Thu 20.8. Beach (Hietaranta) + Bar Night

The weather forecast promises sunshine, so we will go one more time to the beach - maybe for the last time this summer. We will take bus 103 from the bus stop Alvar Aallon puisto at 6 o’clock. You can join us in Kamppi around quarter past and we will be at the beach around half past six. We will take with us a volleyball and some frisbees. If you want to go swimming, remember to take with you your swimming pants/suit. After the beach we can go eating something and after that e.g. to Royal Onnela or some other bar.

Fri 21.8. – Mon 24.8. Trip to Stockholm

10 people, including me, go to Stockholm this weekend. We will leave on Friday afternoon and come back on Monday morning.

Advance information about next weekend:

This is the last weekend of August, and it will be the last weekend in Finland for really a lot of people. On Saturday 29.8. we will have a day trip to Tampere, visiting the Adventure Park “Särkänniemi” ( All travel expenses for you will be payed from IAESTE money. The day ticket to the Adventure Park is 32 euros, and if there is enough money left, I might also refund you part of the entrance ticket (it’s our last weekend, so we can use all money left). On Saturday the Adventure Park also happens to organize some concert with various artists to ending the summer season, so there will be even more than just going to the attractions! On Sunday 30.8. we will have a big farewell party for all people leaving us at Otaranta Sauna from 6-11 pm. It will be also the last evening for me as a IAESTE-coordinator. But more information about next week’s program in the next Monday Bulletin.