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Election declaration for the TKY Senate elections

The Student Senate elections for sessions 2008-2009 at the Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology (TKY) are held on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th of November. The Senate has 45 members and their substitutes, who are all elected in this election.

Location and times for voting

The election is held in the Teknillinen korkeakoulu (TKK) main building, in the main lobby of the old part (Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo). Voting takes place on Tues 6.11.2007 at 9.30-18.00 and on Wed 7.11.2007 at 9.30-19.00. Electronic voting is also possible thru Internet with the electronic voting system. The system is open for voting on Tues 6.11.2007 from 9.30 until midnight (00.00) and on Wed 7.11.2007 from 9.30 until 18.00.

Early voting

Early voting is held on Thursday 1.11.2007 at 11.30–18.00 TKK main building, in the main lobby of the old part. In addition to this, the electronic voting system is open for early voting on Wed 31.10.2007 and on Thursday 1.11.2007. The voting system is open on both days from 7.00 until midnight (00.00).

Right to vote

Eligible for voting and candidacy are all students, who have registered as ’present’ at the TKK (at least for the fall semester) AND who have paid the TKY fees.

Election procedure

The elections are held according to the procedure approved by the TKY Senate meeting 7/2004. The procedure is posted on the TKY Official Notice Board at the Secretariat (Otakaari 11, 02150 Espoo).

Delivering documents for the Central Election Board

The candidacy documents and different election coalition agreements mentioned in the Election procedure must be on forms approved by the Central Election Board, which are available from the Secretariat (17.9.2007 onwards) or from http://www.tky.fi/vaalit/. The documents must be delivered to the Secretariat Teekkari Service Desk no later than Friday 5.10.2007 at 15.00. A receipt will be given for the documents, and after the receipt has been given alterations, changes or additions to the documents are not possible.

List of candidates

List of candidates is available from Tuesday 9.10.2007 on the TKY Official Notice Board at the Secretariat and during the elections at the voting location.

Election advertising

Election advertising is allowed from Tuesday 9.10.2007 according to the special rules from the Central Election Board. All advertising must be removed by Friday 9.11.2007.

More information

More information on the elections and procedures can be found from TKY web pages at http://www.tky.fi/elections/. Questions can be asked from the Chair of the Central Election Board, (040 706 0395, [email protected]) TKY Secretary General Teemu Halme (09 468 2103, [email protected]).

Valkungörelsen finns att läsa på svenska på sidan http://www.tky.fi/valet/.

The declaration for election in English can be found through the page http://www.tky.fi/elections/.