suomeksi på svenska


Right of residence


Apartments in Teekkarikylä are granted to members of the Student Union.

Based on Section 27 of the Student Housing Regulations:
A tenant has the right of residence in the Student Union dormitories up to five (5) years counting from the first enrollment for MA (tech.), architecture or landscape architecture degree. If a student has received only the right for a higher degree at the TKK, the period of residence is two (2) academic years starting from the first active presence enrollment. These periods of residence are applied, unless paragraph 35 § applies. Families with children are eligible for two (2) extra years. Long term illness, long term studies or practice abroad or other similar reason may be basis for a deviation from the earlier mentioned guidelines by the Housing Department. The period of residence may be extended for maximum period of one (1) year, based on a special application. Military or unarmed service during the period of residence extends the period according to the length of the service. A tenant must inform with a written notice of the temporary ending of the lease. After the service the tenant has the right to receive a similar residence.


Based on Section 33 of the Student Housing Regulations:
The tenant agrees to inform the Housing Department yearly and upon request on the conditions which define the residence rights for a residence rights review. The department may end the lease at the time of the review, especially if:
  1. the tenant has graduated from the TKK
  2. the tenant no longer is amember of the Student Union
  3. if the conditions regarding the time limits in 27 § of these rules are met
  4. if the tenant has not earned minimum of eighteen (18) study credits at the TKK during the previous academic year as a tenant of Teekkarikylän or Heinävaara.
  5. if the tenant does not provide the Housing Department with the materials and documents necessary for the residence rights review.
Study weeks are transferred to study credits by multiplying with 1,8.

Please Note!
A resident is charged a security payment of 200 euros before the rent agreement is made. The security payment is returned after he/she has moved out if the resident has left the apartment and its furniture in good condition, returned the keys, paid his/her rent and other fees related to the rent and handled all obligations related to his/her period of residence.