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Other facilities

In addition to sauna, party and meeting facilities, the TKY has facilities for other purposes also. And the Teekkarikylä offers its inhabitants and other Teekkaris an arts and cratfs workshop, the Askartelupaja, PELMU maintains the Bändikämppä band training facility and the Arkkitehtien majasäätiö has a cabin in Sipoo, which is available for all Teekkaris.

The first price is for TKY members and the second price for other users. Associations close to the TKY pay the Teekkari price for the facilities.

Click on the name of the facility to see pictures on the web site in Finnish.

Sitsikeittiö - Kitchen

Jämeräntaival 3 a
An institutional kitchen, in which you can cook for a party of 150 people.

Time of use: 10 am – 11 pm
Price: € 30 for teekkaris / € 90 others

Monitoimitila - Dance hall

Located in the connecting gallery between Jämeräntaival 3a and 3c, entry from the A-stairway.
A multipurpose hall with almost 100m² of space and a big mirror, used mainly for dancing.

Time of use: 10 am – 11 pm
Price: free/ € 30

Tatamisali - Soft floor training room

Jämeräntaival 5 a
The hall is about 70m² in size with a soft floor, suitable for e.g. practising martial arts.

Time of use: 10 am – 11 pm
Price: € 1/hour for teekkaris / € 20/hour others

Vierasmajoitustilat - Guest houses

Otakaari 20
The TKY has 3 different facilities used as guesthouses, of which one can accommodate 6 people, the other 18 people and the third about 20 people.

Price: for Teekkaris: € 17 – € 30/facility/night

Askartelupaja - Workshop

Jämeräntaival 6
The arts and crafts workshop in JMT 6 has the basic equipment for woodwork.

Time of use: 8 am – 10 pm
Price: € 2/day

Polyteekkarimuseo - The Polytechnic Museum

Jämeräntaival 5
Further information on the museum can be found here.

Bändikämppä - Band room

Jämeräntaival 3
Bändikämppä is maintained by PELMU.

AK:n maja - Guild of Architects' cottage

AK:n maja cabin is located at Sipoo, 35km from Helsinki. More information available in Finnish here.

Kinopoli-elokuvateatteri - Cinema

Kinopoli is a 20 seat cinema in OK20 and its basic price is € 40 / 4 hours, additional hours cost € 5. Kinopoli is equipped with Bluray, DVD and VHS and multi-channel audio. Bookings and current booking situation at