suomeksi på svenska


Good scientific practice

All members of faculty should abide to good scientific practices:

Good scientific practice entails, among other things, that researchers and scientific experts

1. follow modes of action endorsed by the research community, that is, integrity, meticulousness and accuracy in conducting research, in recording and presenting results, and in judging research and its results;

2. apply ethically sustainable data-collection, research and evaluation methods conforming to scientific criteria, and practise openness intrinsic to scientific knowledge in publishing their findings; and

3. take due account of other researchers’ work and achievements, respecting their work and giving due credit and weight to their achievements in carrying out their own research and publishing its results.

Further, it is in keeping of good scientific practice that

4. research is planned, conducted and reported in detail and according to the standards set for scientific knowledge;

5. questions relating to the status, rights, co-authorship, liabilities and obligations of the members of a research team, right to research results and the preservation of material are determined and recorded in a manner acceptable to all parties before the research project starts or a researcher is recruited to the team;

6. the sources of financing and other associations relevant to the conduct of research are made known to those participating in the research and reported when the findings are published; and

7. good administrative practice and good personnel and financial management practices are observed.

More information: National Advisory Board on Research Ethics